Perimenopause is the phase between a woman’s reproductive years and menopause, marking the end of monthly bleeding cycles. During this transition, hormone levels change significantly. There are fluctuations in progesterone, but mainly a decline in estrogen. This drop in estrogen can cause both physical and emotional symptoms.…
The ZRT Laboratory Blog

Dr. Sherry LaBeck
Sherry LaBeck, ND has been with ZRT for over 12 years. Prior to being a clinical consultant she taught at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland OR and the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe AZ. Dr. LaBeck's mission is to continue to expand education about hormones for health care providers around the country.
One of the most commonly used herbs in the botanical toolbox is Vitex agnus-castus, also known as chaste tree berry. During the Middle Ages the dried berries were used in monasteries as a peppery condiment that was said to help suppress libido. Additionally, in the mid-1900s, Vitex was often given to women for “sexual irritability,” nervousness and melancholia. Perhaps for these reasons the herb…
The American Heart Association has designated the month of February as American Heart Month to raise awareness about heart disease and the healthy choices we can make to prevent it. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. And while some risk factors are out of our control, such as family history, genetics, and aging, most of the risk factors for developing heart or cardiovascular…
Hello summer! The ZRT docs and staff have compiled some tasty recipes to include for your family picnics or impromptu gatherings with friends. From a refreshing herbal beverage and a cool creamy soup to a zesty, peppery corn dip and tangy, nutty quinoa salad, the foods that make up summer fare can be simple to prepare as well as delicious. The addition of spicy, savory grilled chicken thighs…
In 2008 ZRT Laboratory introduced the Fertility Profile to assist women in identifying possible hormonal causes of infertility. More recently ZRT launched the Menstrual Cycle Mapping (MCM) test that allows women to map time points throughout their menstrual cycle, measuring levels of estrogen, progesterone and luteinizing hormone (LH). Since the MCM test was introduced there has been some confusion…
Spices are the delightfully aromatic plants whose warming scents are a characteristic element of the winter season. In fact, there are five spices that evoke memories of sitting by the fire on cold nights, weekends of playing in the snow, and social gatherings that feature rich seasonal desserts and mulled wine. A spice is harvested from the root, bark, seed or dried fruit of a tropical plant or…
O sleep, O gentle sleep, Nature's soft nurse, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down and steep my senses in forgetfulness? William Shakespeare, Henry IVA good night's sleep is important to health. During sleep the body is in an anabolic state when energy conservation, tissue repair and growth take over. The body temperature drops, growth hormone is secreted and…
The adaptogens represent a category of herbs that is almost commonplace for those individuals seeking to be healthier in today’s stressful environment. These remarkable herbs focus on helping the body resist the complex biological reactions that arise from the stressful events we daily encounter. Adaptogens work to increase the body’s resistance to physical, biological, emotional, and environmental…
It may come as a surprise to most people that each year, the last full week of April is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating laboratory professionals. This year Medical Laboratory Professionals Week falls on April 24-30. Setting aside one week a year to acknowledge these experts is a perfect opportunity to increase public awareness of, and appreciation for, clinical laboratory personnel. Just…
Interpretation of hormone testing using saliva, dried blood spot, or serum can be tricky when women are using oral, patch, or other hormonal contraception methods. The types of hormones in these contraceptives are synthetic, and although they may be close to the molecular structure of our body's own estradiol or progesterone, they are not bioidentical. While bioidentical hormones used as…
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- Alyssa Burns Hill, PhD, MSc, FRSPH, MIHPE
- Amen Clinics
- Candace Burch
- Christina Cowger, MA, LMFT
- Dr. Alison McAllister
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- Ingrid Edstrom, FNP, M.Ed
- Jessica Strom
- Jillian Harrington, PhD, HCLD
- Jim Paoletti, BS Pharmacy, FAARFM, FIACP
- Kori Wallace
- L. Kroon, Editor
- Lissa Gienty
- Margaret N. Groves, M.Phil., ELS
- Molly Lindquist
- Nina Silberstein, BA
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- The ZRT Clinical Consultants
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- Theodore Zava
- Tina Mattern
- Tracy Tranchitella, ND
- ZRT Laboratory