As we step into 2017 ready to further our understanding of how hormone imbalance affects health, we wanted to take a brief moment to reflect on the top stories of 2016 that captured your attention on the ZRT Blog. Following is a round-up of 2016's most popular posts for practitioners. Thirty minutes after awakening from a good night's…
The ZRT Laboratory Blog

ZRT Laboratory
ZRT Laboratory is a CLIA-certified commercial and research laboratory founded in 1998 by breast cancer researcher David Zava, Ph.D. ZRT Laboratory has pioneered innovative testing methods for hormones, neurotransmitters, heavy metals and more, offering health care professionals convenient testing options in different body fluids including saliva, dried blood spot, dried urine, and serum.
2017 has arrived, and with it comes new opportunity to understand the role of hormone balance in our overall health. Before getting started, we wanted to take a brief moment to reflect on the top stories of 2016 that captured your attention on the ZRT Blog. Following is a round-up of 2016's most popular posts for patients. For millions of women the world…
Estrogen dominance refers to an excess of estrogen when progesterone levels are inadequate. This condition can occur in women during the reproductive years, but tends to be particularly symptomatic for women during perimenopause and in menopause. Estrogen dominance is worsened by women not ovulating, women being exposed to synthetic estrogens and/or women not metabolizing estrogens correctly.…
As a follow up to our webinar with Thyroid Pharmacist Izabella Wentz, PharmD, she addresses questions about thyroid function and Hashimoto's Disease. Here are your questions answered. I have a patient who has your book. She has multiple gut issues, and I've tried to get her to eliminate wheat, gluten and dairy for years. She refuses. She wants to take antabine or the naltrexone you recommend but…
Environmental pollutants are in the air we breathe, water we drink and bathe in, and food we eat. In excess, they can have profound negative effects on the basic mechanisms of body chemistry and affect the synthesis and actions of hormones essential for maintaining our health. The thyroid, which is primarily responsible for regulating metabolism, is profoundly affected by natural and environmental…
Nicole Garcia, MD is an anti-aging physician in Orange County and specializes in cortisol testing. She used saliva testing to monitor a woman in Los Angeles with a long and stressful commute to work each day. Watch the video below to see how this woman's cortisol levels were affected by her commute and what a saliva test tells her about her health.…
Theodore Zava, a research associate at ZRT Laboratory, was recently published in the Townsend Letter for his work with iodine testing. The Townsend Letter article summarizes a study done with ten volunteers from ZRT Laboratory, five men and five women with no history of iodine supplementation. The goal in this study was to analyze urine iodine excretion kinetics before and after a 50 mg…
Iodine is an essential component of thyroid hormone (T3 & T4) and important for normal thyroid functioning. It also functions as an antioxidant, an anti-infective agent, and is protective in certain cystic conditions like fibrocystic breast disease and ovarian cysts. Higher levels of iodine intake have been shown to be protective against benign breast changes such as fibrocystic breast disease.…
At ZRT, we love Thanksgiving and all the tradition it brings. But we know holiday stress can be crippling, and we want to provide a little stress relief guidance. There are plenty of tricks to make Thanksgiving healthy, fun, and enjoyable with minimal stress! Re-evaluate the “rules” Magazine spreads and commercials featuring the perfect holiday feast bring out the perfectionist in all of us. It…
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- Alyssa Burns Hill, PhD, MSc, FRSPH, MIHPE
- Amen Clinics
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- Dr. Alison McAllister
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- Jillian Harrington, PhD, HCLD
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- Margaret N. Groves, M.Phil., ELS
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- The ZRT Clinical Consultants
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- Theodore Zava
- Tina Mattern
- Tracy Tranchitella, ND
- ZRT Laboratory