As we roll into 2016 what is it that YOU hope to change, reinvent, reconsider, move towards or away from in the coming year? New Year’s resolutions are often among the most noble of ideas, centered on self-improvement, education, health, lifestyle and relationships. Yet statistics show that only eight percent of us successfully reach our aspirations. Experts tell us that the more specific the goal,…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Weight Management, Sleep, Stress, Patient Education

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How Hormones are Key to the Top 10 New Year's Resolutions

This article is republished courtesy of The Official Website of John R. Lee, M.D. If you missed part one of the article, read it here. A Recipe for Beating (and Preventing) Breast CancerThe latest research on natural progesterone and breast cancer clearly indicates how important it is for women to maintain healthy, normal levels of progesterone that are in proper balance with estrogen. Doing so…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Breast Cancer, BHRT, Estrogen, Estrogen Dominance, Progesterone

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New Research Shows Natural Progesterone Can Help Treat Breast Cancer (Part 2)

This article is republished courtesy of The Official Website of John R. Lee, M.D. This is part one. Part two of this article can be found here. Two months ago, a large team of scientists working on multiple continents published a research study that came to startling conclusions about breast cancer and natural progesterone. The team determined that unlike synthetic progestins, which increase breast…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Breast Cancer, Progesterone, BHRT, Estrogen, Estrogen Dominance

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New Research Shows Natural Progesterone Can Help Treat Breast Cancer (Part 1)

When was the last time you thought about your personal risk for breast cancer? Even though it’s no longer National Breast Cancer Awareness month, it’s never too late to start thinking about this important topic. Don’t let the disappearance of pink ribbons rob us of the greater message of our hard won awareness: that despite all the money raised and the billions spent, we still have no guaranteed…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Breast Cancer, Estrogen, BHRT, Patient Education, Estrogen Dominance

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Preventing Breast Cancer: How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your Life

As part of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to broaden the conversation about breast health, ZRT Lab invited several breast cancer survivors to tell their stories. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 1999, I was convinced that my life as I'd known it was never going to be the same. I knew, of course, that many women survive, but I also knew that in spite of…

Tags: Breast Cancer, Patient Education, Cancer, Hormone Balance

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Breast Cancer & Natural Hormone Therapy - A Survivor's Story

When a patient says that she wants “natural” hormone therapy, does the term mean the same thing to you as it does to her? Let’s explore that question further by dissecting the terminology most commonly used by patients (and even some experts) when discussing hormone restoration therapy: “natural,” “synthetic” and “bio-identical.”NaturalThe term “natural” cannot be used to describe hormones or…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Menopause, BHRT, Patient Education, Dosing, Bioidentical Hormones

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Confused About Hormone Therapy Terminology?

In the 13 years since the landmark Women’s Health Initiative (WHI 2002) revealed greater risks for heart disease, stroke and breast cancer among women taking Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), the dialogue around women’s health has changed dramatically. Back in 2002 when the bad news about hormones hit the headlines, millions of menopausal women stopped using HRT overnight and big-Pharma profits…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Menopause, BHRT

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Learning the Nuts & Bolts of BHRT

September is Menopause Awareness Month, but if you listen to certain talking heads in the media you’d think we were in the midst of Menopause UNAWARENESS month! Just the other day on a woman’s talk show, a so-called menopause expert was warning about the perils of using progesterone cream for symptom relief “because it can cause cancer.” This is the type of misleading information that makes my blood…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Menopause, BHRT

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Banishing the 7 Dwarves of Menopause

Many women going through menopause start to see changes in their ability to remember things. Women can find this very worrying; such symptoms are not unlike early signs of dementia, or even Alzheimer’s Disease. However, age-related memory impairment is quite common and can be explained in part by hormonal changes, in particular loss of estrogen, and it involves a small part of the brain that…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Menopause, BHRT

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Of Seahorses & Menopause

I remember the uncertain winter of my entrance into perimenopause so well. It began in my late 40s, with hot flashes that came on like heat waves every half hour. In the dead of winter, I found myself flinging open windows to let in the freezing air; I soon found out that having hot flashes in winter was nothing like having them in summer, when the added heat and humidity made them feel more like…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Menopause, BHRT, Patient Education

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Heat Waves & Hot Flashes in Perimenopause

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