Everything we do, feel, think – it all starts with the brain. A balanced, healthy brain helps lay the essential foundation for optimal wellbeing. A small but significant aspect of brain health is regulated by a specific class of steroid molecules called neurosteroids. That the brain is a steroidogenic organ is widely accepted, and neurosteroids are woven into its very fabric. In fact, the term…

Tags: Neurotransmitters, DHEA, Hormone Balance, Mental Health

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The Distinction Between DHEA and DHEA-S & Why Both Are Important For a Healthy Brain

As we step into 2017 ready to further our understanding of how hormone imbalance affects health, we wanted to take a brief moment to reflect on the top stories of 2016 that captured your attention on the ZRT Blog. Following is a round-up of 2016's most popular posts for practitioners. Thirty minutes after awakening from a good night's…

Tags: Hormone Balance, PCOS, Cortisol Awakening Response, Contraceptives, Cancer

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Looking Back: Popular Provider Blog Posts of 2016

2017 has arrived, and with it comes new opportunity to understand the role of hormone balance in our overall health. Before getting started, we wanted to take a brief moment to reflect on the top stories of 2016 that captured your attention on the ZRT Blog. Following is a round-up of 2016's most popular posts for patients. For millions of women the world…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Thyroid Health, Lead, Heavy Metals, Breast Cancer

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Looking Back: Patient Blog Posts of 2016

How well I remember the dismaying shock of menopause storming into my life...I was in my late 40s then and had just moved back to the States from England – a culture clash and-a-half. My daughters were still pretty young, 9 and 6 years old, and having a hard time adjusting to new schools on top of coping with an older mom whose hormones were suddenly in full revolt. As I recall, Christmas was fast…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Menopause, Patient Education

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5 Tips to Being a Balanced Menopausal Mom

An eye-opening discussion and review of mental health case histories with Alyssa Burns-Hill, PhD in the webinar Perspectives on Mental Health And Hormones takes practitioners through the hormone looking glass for a deeper understanding of depression and mental illness. From Burns-Hill's perspective, mental health is not just the preserve of mental health professionals, but a global health problem…

Tags: Mental Health, Hormone Balance

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3 Case Studies Reveal Perspectives on Mental Health And Hormones

The first thing a man entering andropause generally notices is a subtle downward shift in strength and energy as hormone levels taper off. Muscle tone and stamina are the first to go and he starts to gain weight and that "spare tire." He may also develop a voracious appetite and food cravings he never had before. As symptoms kick in at mid-life, hormone testing can identify hidden imbalances that…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Andropause, Patient Education

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Andropause: Real Men Go For Balance

In this engaging and wide-ranging discussion of Fertility, Infertility and the Role of Hormone Testing, Dr. Alison McAllister, lead clinical consultant at ZRT, shares her considerable knowledge about the challenges of infertility and the heartbreak of those struggling to have a baby of their own. Sadly, it is a growing problem that affects 1 in 8 couples and millions of people around the world. As…

Tags: Fertility, Hormone Balance, Toxins, Xenoestrogens, PCOS

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Clinical Pearls on Fertility, Infertility & Hormones

Every year in March, National Nutrition Month focuses our attention on how and what we eat, exhorting us with awareness-raising campaign slogans to "bite into a healthy lifestyle," or as in this year’s theme, to "savor the flavor of eating right." Appealing and important as the messaging is, it does beg the question that what tastes good to us, may not necessarily be good for us. Too many of the…

Tags: Patient Education, Heart Health, Hormone Balance

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National Nutrition Month: Finding our Way Back to True Foods

Interpretation of hormone testing using saliva, dried blood spot, or serum can be tricky when women are using oral, patch, or other hormonal contraception methods. The types of hormones in these contraceptives are synthetic, and although they may be close to the molecular structure of our body's own estradiol or progesterone, they are not bioidentical. While bioidentical hormones used as…

Tags: Fertility, Hormone Balance, Contraceptives, Bioidentical Hormones

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Guide for Interpreting Testing Levels for Hormone Contraceptive Users

On Nov. 24, the sun set in the tiny Greenlandic town of Ittoqqortoormiit. For the next three months, the Inuit inhabitants of this isolated, icebound landscape will take their children to school in the dark, work in the dark, and pick them up in the dark. And though townspeople admit that, "it can get depressing for people who weren't born here, especially in December," the local mindset is that…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Vitamin D, Melatonin

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