Many children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) struggle with fitting in and according to some experts, may receive as many as 20,000 negative messages by age 10 than their neurotypical peers. Little wonder then that many struggle with self-esteem and the belief that they are somehow broken.…

Tags: ADD and ADHD, Mental Health, Brain Health

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An Individualized Plan for Managing ADHD: Laboratory Testing & Lifestyle Modifications to Provide Symptom Relief

The fact that we produce vitamin D in our skin in the presence of sunlight signifies how necessary it is to our health. Even though it seems easy enough to get, according to recent data published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in 24% of Americans, 37% of Canadians and 40% of Europeans [1]. Data from 2012 indicate that 50% of the world’s population are vitamin D insufficient. A deeper look reveals that vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency vary by age, sex, ethnicity and geographic location, with reduced time spent outdoors and insufficient consumption of vitamin D-rich foods having the greatest impact on suboptimal levels [2]. The medical community is certainly testing more than it did in the past, naturally picking up on more deficiencies, and providing us with the opportunity to address this key biomarker of good health. This blog discusses sources of vitamin D, contributors to vitamin D deficiency, and its role in chronic and acute disease, especially its association with comorbidities that predict an increased risk of complications and poor outcomes to COVID-19.…

Tags: Covid19, Vitamin D, Immune System

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Vitamin D: Its Role in Health and the Importance of Adequacy in Acute and Chronic Illness

The balance of hormones is essential for all aspects of human health and the same plays true for athletes. Whether you are a beginner working on getting into shape and losing weight, or a seasoned veteran with many competitions under your belt, understanding your hormones and how they change with intense exercise is essential to getting as much as possible out of your training. ZRT Laboratory is launching 2 new kits that will enable athletes to track their hormones and help them better understand the changes happening to their body.…

Tags: Fitness, Athletes, Blood Spot Testing, Saliva Testing

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Introducing ZRT’s new Fitness Metrics and Elite Athletic Metrics profiles

In the final part of this 3-part blog series on important nutrients in the fight against viral illness following on from part 1 discussing quercetin and part 2 discussing zinc, we will look at the role of vitamin C, which has been used to prevent and treat viral infections since Linus Pauling, PhD endorsed its benefits decades ago.…

Tags: Covid19, Immune System, Vitamin C

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Naturopathic Therapy for Prevention and Support of Viral Illness: Part 3 – Vitamin C

If one were to create a word cloud of our clinical consulting calls in 2020, the word “phosphatidylserine” would likely float to the center in a large, bold, brightly colored font. After a year spent coping with a global pandemic, record high unemployment, social distancing, and remote learning for students, accompanied by not only an extreme wildfire season but also a contentious presidential election in the U.S., people are stressed – and it shows.…

Tags: Cortisol, Stress, Mental Health, PMS and PMDD

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Phosphatidylserine – Protection from the Effects of Chronic Stress

Last weekend I went whitewater rafting. A particularly turbulent patch of the rapids caught me off guard, when I tumbled off the raft into the water. It all happened so quickly. We hit a big rock, the raft turned vertical and I fell into the river. I was swept under and spat back out, my body tossed around like a tiny paper boat. I was gasping for air with the whitewater waves rising in front of me, crashing over…

Tags: Cortisol, Neurotransmitters, Brain Health, Mental Health, Heart Health, Stress

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Understanding a Broken Heart – The Physiology of Grief

I was in teenage hell. Overnight, I went from being completely oblivious to what I looked like, to being obsessed with my appearance. And let me tell you, I did not like what I saw in the mirror. Too tall and too skinny, with an awkward toothy grin, uncoordinated and gangly, and I didn’t seem to know where my limbs were supposed to be around me. I wanted pretty hair and a semblance of curves, like…

Tags: Skin Vitality, Androgen, Contraceptives, Microbiome

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Are Hormones to Blame for My Acne?

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